Saturday, September 13, 2008


I think it is funny to look back on where I was several years ago and remember some of the things I wanted in life or how I hoped they would turn out. And today I can't imagine life much better. Emily. Our ministry. Our church and friends. My job and kids I work with. It's not all perfect, nor is what I expected. But I know that because of the Lord and the mysterious ways he works, it is better than I ever hoped for.
Several years back a few of my close friends and I would talk occasionally about doing something extraordinary with our lives. Most of these conversations took place while we were either traveling cross country or even overseas for a road trip or to do ministry. Our minds raced with images of missions, adventure, and the unknown. And I believe we were genuine at the time, no doubt.
But tonight, as I'm sitting on my couch here in Arlington, Texas where I live, work, and spend more time with kids half my age than peers my own, I realize something. Walking with Christ through the ordinary and simple rhythms of my days is what makes life extraordinary. I don't have to be in an exotic place with a more glamorous job to live up to those dreams. This week I have learned that being faithful and soaking up the joy of life is truly what's extraorindary.
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