Thursday, December 01, 2005

Love actually, is all around

december is here, hooray!
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lately i have been obsessing over love. and not really any particular part of love, but the entire concept of love. seeking to understand it. striving to share it. looking to receive it. asking God what it looks like and how it feels. where does it come from? how can i give more of it? there are so many layers, so many pieces, so many levels, types, functions, descriptions, avenues of love. love is an emotion. it is a gift. an action. a secret. a mystery. God. it changes lives and transforms our existence. it is more than a word, and no combination of them can possibly encompass all it is. yet i still want to wrap my brain around it; let it fill dwell inside of me; allow it to fill up inch of my being.

for lack of a better word, i l-o-v-e love, even though i feel i know so little of it. i'll probably be writing a great deal about love here in the coming weeks. and not because i'm in love or know all about it (i don't). not because i'm desperate for a signifcant other or because i'm cheezy. but because God is love. because Jesus loved completely. because of men like Paul and John. because people need love, and because i was created to love.

(for the record, i love the movie quoted in the title)
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pic of the day, Mexico:


Emily said...

okay-love actually is a great movie! I "actually" left the movie theatre the first time I watched it...but somehow I ended up watching it again, then better prepared to shield my eyes...The message of us all being connected to one another by the gift of love is so powerful...I think that great connection is a great opportunity to share not only the gift of love at the human level with each other, but share something much more powerful- God's love! Thanks for your words.

Anonymous said...

I love you Cody

Cassie said...

I think you should "love" emily...she's pretty hot!

Cal Benaglio said...

I love Yoo-Hoo!

Jen said...

you sure know who i do not love, that MT. at least i can express my feelings openly. i do love your blog. thanks for your thoughtful

Unknown said...

What? Friends listen to "Endless Love" in the dark.