Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Loved Much"

Once a month our youth group takes its turn to lead the afternoon worship service at Autumn Leaves Nursing Home. This has become a highly anticipated and extremely rewarding activity for us to take part in together. The joy it brings to sing and visit with those sweet souls is scarcely matched by other things in our regular routines.

This past Sunday as we had finished our service and were preparing to head out I sat next to an older gentlemen whom I remembered from our last couple of times there. I thanked him for letting us worship with him and asked how he was doing. His answer floored me.

Before he was able to mutter a word, his eyes just filled with tears, like deep pools of emotion. Squeezing my hand he whispered, “Son, it means so much to me for ya’ll to come here…thank you.” A grown man stirred to tears by the faith and service of young people. I almost lost it.

I’m sure similar stories of blessing could be shared every week by the numerous groups from our congregation who serve at Autumn Leaves. This particular one, however, evoked images of a woman wiping the feet of Jesus with her tears. Jesus in fact made an example of her faith, noting that she “loved much” (Luke 7:47). I would be willing to bet that not a person present in that room on that night walked away unaffected by what they witnessed—a beautiful, selfless act of worship.

Last Sunday I too witnessed something beautiful. And thought it may have come from an unexpected source, my heart was truly touched by a man who “loved much.” This week may we all take the time to notice the extraordinary faith of those around us. Father stir in our hearts so that we too may love and serve people like Jesus did.
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pic of the day:

1 comment:

James Lee Younger III said...

whoa... that was awesome cody! that was just what i needed today! Rich Mullins said that the thing he liked best about church is that it's the only place where men will come together and sing... i think 'cry' fits in there too. as always, thanks.