Monday, February 27, 2006

The First Line on the First Page

All I can say is good...

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In the beginning God...

The first recorded phrase of the Bible; four little words, huge implications. Before there was anything...God was. When it all started God was there, speaking it into existense. There's something about these four little words that stirs in me; a mysterious mixture of apprehension and peace invade my soul when I read them though I can scarcely understand the sheer weight and complexity of all that these four words carry. (Humbling side note: if I am unable to grasp the first four what makes me think I would have any luck with the following inspired truths?)

My senior year I studied the Pentateuch in short course (David Wallace=great teacher) and fell in love with Genesis 1 and 2, probably two of my favorite chapters in scripture. There is something cool yet humbling about the beginning of it all, ya know. No drawn out scientific explanation--just God. I love the balance between the magnitude of his creative ability and his personal care for his creation. Our God is freaking ginormous, yet willing to initmately breath life into man. That is truly amazing.

There are numerous times when I come back to these words, ones that are impossible to explain or fully comprehend. Last night, in the middle of the concert strangely enough, I was again taken back to the beginning, where there was no worry, no schedule, no decisions, just God. Lord take me back there, bring me into your presence. Remove everything else from my life so that I can experience you in all your holiness.
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pic of the day (I've got Ukraine on the brain today, so this makes me happy):

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