Thursday, September 22, 2005

Peace, Perfect Peace

yesterday my heart was broken and my jaw dropped as i watched the craziness occurring in the houston area. hurricane Rita could be worse than katrina, if we can even imagine something worse. my prayers go out to all those weary souls making the 15 hour trips to "safety;" to the countless number caught up in a mass of confusion and uncertainty; and to all those who are prepared to take-in/minister to these folks.

last night i decided to talk to my middle school class about Rita and what i thought of all this. the first place i turned in my Bible was Mark chapter 4 when Jesus calms the storm--a very familiar story. but i didn't come across the story i remember. no, it was here i found words with new meaning and a freshness that only the Word of God can provide. Jesus commanded the storm: "quiet! be still!" yet when i read those 3 words last night, it didn't seem that he was just talking to the waves and wind. he was talking to the disciples. and he was talking to me.

Jesus was speaking to me in the midst of my spiritual turmoil and uncertainty. he was telling me to stop being overcome by meaningless worry and doubt. he was urging me to be still in his sweet presence. he was reminding me to trust in his unending provision and care. he's offering me his lasting peace. not just a break from the storm or a temporary hiatus, but complete and utter tranquility. true peace that only he can provide.

last night i heard these words for the first time again, and it filled my heart. i pray now for the hearts of those evacuated from houston. i also pray for anyone who's battling one of life's crazy storms--that Christ will fill their hearts with hope, and most of all, peace.
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a great L.D. quote found only in the book, not in the movie:
(Deets, Call, Gus, Pea Eye, and Newt have tracked Jake and the Suggs brothers (3 outlaws) to a creek)
Call asks Gus, "what do you think they're doing down there?"
Gus replies, "probably taking turns baptizing each other for all i know."


Katey said...

Yeah, I was missing the Lonesome Dove comments. Codyblair, if you come visit again I will take you to Judge Bean's to experience the brisket tacos. Promise they're better than Joe Allens.

Cal Benaglio said...

That is so true of the storms in our lives. I needed to hear that today. Thanks for sharing brother. Reading that makes me look forward to getting home and opening my bible. Have a great weekend buddy.